Thursday, October 15, 2020

"dark money"

 Our Supreme Court, as outlined in our Constitution, is designed to be the final and un-biased “check and balances of our governmental system.” Unfoundedly that is no longer true, taken over by a flood of “dark money.”
The convoluted flow of that money and the ultimate control of SCTUS is exposed by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse. A must read for all who are concerned about our democracy.

Full text
Senator Whitehouse Calls Out Dark-Money Networks Behind Amy Coney Barrett’s SCOTUS Nomination  

Friday, October 9, 2020

the FLY

                                                 Did Beelzebub weigh in on the debate?

 Is this personification of evil a sign?


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

post election chaos


There is a likelihood that there will be 2020 post election chaos.
The trouble will emanate from both domestic and foreign sources eager to see Trump’s reelection. Trump would love to see this election settled in his “loaded” Supreme Court.

Be prepared for it, be a “critical thinker,” “separate the wheat from the chaff.”

Post election FBI warning

Friday, October 2, 2020

stop election fraud

                                !Two right wingers headed for the slammer!!


 Let this be an heads up for all of you out there. Try to screw up this election and you too could be the next headlines.
There are a myriad of dirty tricksters weighing in on this election, you need to be on your toes.
Be on the alert for so called “pole watchers,” these radical right wingers purpose IS to intimidate.
Take your cell phone to the polls, document (video) and call police if you feel threatened.
Guns have no place at the polling sites and are an intimidation., treat it as such.