Wednesday, November 30, 2016

quest for power?

Bloggers note: received this email and thought it should be shared.
Should the rumors be true it would be a despicable action on the part of our Oxnard City Manager.
Wonder what the city council position is?

“the quest for power can have a very ugly face.”


    Phillip Molina
November 28, 2016 at 4:20 PM
to Greg, TImothy, Bert, Carmen, Bryan, Dorina, starrcpa, bcc: me
Good People of Oxnard:

Is this a lesson in how to setup at the start a good relationship with newly elected officials?

1. Threaten to cut the departmental budget so that the newly elected City Clerk and/or City Treasurer cannot fulfill their duties and campaign promises;
2. Threaten to sue the newly elected officials if they even try to follow through with their campaign promises; and
3. Just cut the staff so that the daily work cannot be accomplished, claim the problem lies with the elected official and use that to eradicate the elected position(s) and set it up so that the city manager appoints the position(s) instead?

 This is the list I said I would work to accomplish if elected:
1. close all unauthorized bank accounts as directed by the city's own audit report
2. stop all wire transfers of city funds that are not initiated by the city treasurer, as identified and directed in the city's own audit
3. pay for a HOTLINE if the city had not done so by the time I'm in office
4. provide an incentive to employees to identify ways in which to improve efficiency and internal controls
5. maximize earnings by consolidating all bank accounts and infusing the cash investment balances; and
6. comply with the recommendations of the city's auditors 111 audit findings that pertain to the city treasurer's department.

Additionally I want to assist the internal independent auditor to perform audits on the utilities rates assigned to each customer to assure no reduced rates are in place that the Council has not approved publicly; audit the Transient Occupancy Tax to see if there is still over $2,000,000 owed the city; audit the impact fees to make sure 100% of the fees are being collected and that the fee structure is sound, equitable and fully pays for the impact to the city's infrastructure from the proposed development; and to make sure all liquid assets and other assets are being properly secured for City purposes. While this is a huge list, it is one I would hope the city manager would join with me, and with a good staff and God's help we can be successful for the city's good and those of the Oxnard taxpayers, rather than fight me on these matters.

But sadly and hopefully in error, I've heard over the weekend from 2 reputable sources that you, Mr. Nyhoff, assured them if I'm elected you plan to stop me from doing these things by starving my budget. Mr. Nyhoff is this true?  Why would you plan the failure of an elected official instead of trying to work with them to get the best for Oxnard? Is there anything in the list above that is illegal, or that is bad for Oxnard taxpayers? If so let it be known now.

Please tell me that if I'm elected, you fully plan to work together with me and the new city clerk to accomplish our jobs. You will recall at the orientation meeting with the treasurer candidates you assured us that you plan to fully fund the treasurer's department and provide the staffing needed to accomplish our goals, objectives, and duties. Please confirm your continued intent to be loyal to the elected officials of Oxnard and to follow through on your commitment to us.

If I'm not elected I will provide the newly elected official the courtesy of supporting him/her to accomplish their goals as long as they are legal and in the best interest of Oxnard taxpayers.


Phillip S. Molina

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