Wednesday, April 26, 2017

monkey shines at city hall

there is an effort to marginalize and hamper the elected Oxnard City Treasurer from discharging his duties, you need to ask yourself why?
The emails below speak for themselves.



As you know  in February the City Attorney ordered the Elected City Treasurer to disburse city cash for any purpose to any entity based solely on the signatures of a department manager, in this case Mike More, and the city’s Chief Financial Officer. Ever since the Finance Department stopped forwarding the detailed invoices in late February, I have been asking to review the source-document-invoices from Delta Dental, AIMS and Calpers. But since that time I have not received the detailed invoices for these disbursements some of which exceeded $1,000,000. ------------


Phillip Molina

Oxnard City Treasurer

Bert Perello Councilmember
Mar 24
Duplicate payments to Delta Dental were made because no detailed source documents were provided with the demand for payment to the City Treasurer
to Aaron, Dale, Stephen, Jack, Jackie, Steve, Jim, Joe, Mike, Greg, Phillip, bcc: me
Mr City Manager Nyhoff
I believe this is an example of what Mr Molina the City Treasurer has been warning about . It appears to have come to pass and I feel there will be some that claim this example may be staged . If the information is correct I feel the City Treasurer has been right in the compliant he continues to make that since he is responsible for the accuracy of payments ; but can not do his job if not given information needed to do that job how is the City being protected ? -----------


hear no evil

February 2017 investment report.

Molina, Phillip <>
to Dale, bcc: me
Mr. Dean,

Thank you.  The staff works hard and long to get this information out to the public and the council members each month. Unfortunately I've been told by the City Manager that 2 councilmembers have informed him that they do not read my emails and delete them as soon as they receive them.

Since they do not receive monthly financial reports from the CFO as Oxnard ordinance and State law requires and since they don't read my emails, one wonders what do they know about the city' finances before they vote on rate increases, and budgets.


Phillip S. Molina
Oxnard City Treasurer

Editors note-- it’s not hard to figure out who those 2 are.


Confidential information about Oxnard police

    Molina, Phillip  Mar 30
to Stephen, Greg, bcc: me
Stephen Fischer, City Attorney
Greg Nyhoff, City Manager

Emails sent to elected officials are sent using Bcc as directed by the City Attorney to avoid violating the Brown Act.

?I read your concerns about issuing the payroll register to the public, specifically you do not want the names of police officers who might be involved in under cover work to have their names released. In conversation with the police management, I am informed that none of the officers are involved in 'deep cover' operations, and if they were assigned to a deep cover operations the officer(s) would be given an entire set of false identification so they could not be traced to their actual identify.

Furthermore, the city has only had 4-5 officers assigned to sensitive operations and once their names were redacted from the payroll register it would be consistent with the Oxnard police policy on releasing information to the public.

Below is a list of Oxnard police officers, which is updated annually with the last published update showing the 15-16 enrollment and it shows all the Oxnard police officers. So, I'm confused why would the payroll list of 1600 Oxnard employees, which includes Oxnard police officers without identifying they work in the police department possibly provide the public with information that isn't already easily available on the internet? (see listing below)

While no one, including myself, likes to see their names, and amount they earn spread over the internet the State law demands that such information be made available to the public, so please explain to me why I'm prohibited from sharing the payroll information with the public since the public already had access to the name and amount paid to every Oxnard employee. You appear to be making law instead of following existing State law.

Phillip Molina
City Treasurer

Duh!!! This is our city attorney?

 Separating the Wheat from the Chaff

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